Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Stewardship: More Than a Money Matter!

October 2016

Dear Friends in Christ,
“If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit” Galations 5:25
Last week I was asked by the Tuesday afternoon Bible Study group to meet with them and discuss the topic “How could tithing better enable your congregation to accomplish it’s task to spread the Gospel?”  I believe such a question only addresses one part of the whole of Stewardship and Discipleship.  If we only address this part of stewardship, we are only addressing the need of God’s Church to receive.  Truly, this is an important part of the whole, for without faithful and loving givers there would be little ability for the Church to care for individuals and spread the Word of God near and far.  For every gift we have received, whether it be money or time or talents, we are truly thankful to each of you and those who have shared in your generosity are also thankful.
   However, there is another side to this issue and that is the need of the giver to give. Freely we have received from God all we need for this life and the next and freely we are to give of what we have received. In fact, Scripture is so bold as to relate this side of the issue to faith and the two Tables of the Law: Love of God and Love of Neighbour.  We are free in Christ from our burden of guilt and sin and brought into a new relationship with God and our neighbours through faith in Christ.  And exploring the Biblical examples of first fruits, proportional, sacrificial giving allows the Christian giver to devotionally consider their love and trust of God and love for their neighbour.  Again, we are thankful to whatever extent you have engaged in this process as you gave of your time, talents and treasures in this past year.
   But I am so bold as to ask even more!  I paraphrase St. Paul as he wrote to Philemon regarding a stewardship topic: “Yes, brothers and sisters in Christ, I want some benefit from you in the Lord!”  In particular these next weeks we will explore stewardship together in our congregational life and  I challenge you to consider your  sacrificial, proportional, first-fruits offerings in relation to the blessings of faith, forgiveness and salvation that Christ has earned for you.  I challenge also that you consider the place that God and your neighbour have in your life -- particularly your fellow Christian brothers and sisters in this congregation!  And – as you enter into such a spiritual exercise – may the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit!

Peace to you in Christ!
Your Servant,

Pastor David Dressler