Our congregational Online Education Portal now has a new course: God Connects! Thanks to Lutheran Hour Ministries, we have been using this video-based Christian Adult study before worship services with discussion after the service.
God Connects is a course that explains the Christian faith, using today's technology and language. It presents God's work of salvation through Christ, the key tenets of the Christian faith, and various practical faith aspects of living the believer's life, in terms that are both in-depth and accessible. In total, there are 12 sessions starting with the most important topic of all: Why Jesus?
Here at LCOTGS God Connects will be used in a class setting as well as for personal and individual instruction. Each session uses video instruction together with a .pdf study guide. In cases of individual instruction personal study is supplemented with pastoral discussion.
For the next short while our God Connects Group will be open to the public on our Ning Online Education Portal. An easy way to access this site is from the LCOTGS Calgary IOS or Android App which is available from your Google Play or Mac App Store.
It is our prayer that this resource would be helpful to all of us as we explore the Christian faith!
In Christ,
Pastor David Dressler