Dear Friends in Christ,
I try to imagine the surprise of Jesus' disciples on Easter as one by one they discovered the tomb where they had laid his body late Friday afternoon was empty. At first there must have been puzzlement and perhaps some worry because a Roman squad of guards had been set at the tomb in order to prevent someone stealing his body in order to claim Jesus had risen as he had prophesied. No wonder many of Jesus' disciples hid behind closed doors on Sunday as they would have been the first suspects searched out!
But Easter didn't end there. That very day Cleopas and another of Jesus' disciples were heading out of town when Jesus walked with them and broke bread with them in their house in the village of Bethany. They rushed back to Jerusalem to tell the others and when they found them and were discussing this great news they were startled as Jesus appeared, standing with them. Jesus showed them the wounds in his hands and feet and ate some fish -- proving himself to be more than a ghost. It was too good to be true -- and yet it was true! Jesus, who was crucified as the Divine sacrifice for sin, was resurrected from the dead -- alive again! This good news changes everything!
Indeed, Jesus' sacrifice for sin and the Good News of his resurrection from the dead is the foundation for joy and peace in every-day life even now. Death and sin has been conquered and new life is found in Christ! That continues to be the message of Easter!
I pray that true Easter joy will permeate your celebrations this season! I also invite you to join us this Easter in praising God for His Son Jesus and the new life we enjoy because of God's gift of Christ for all of us!
May God bless you and keep you!
In Christ,
Pastor David Dressler